Jevgenij Zhukov Apps

BB Workout Log & Tracker 2.0.13
Bodybuilding Workout Log is a very easy to useworkout tracker application. The goal of this app is to allow youto workout and log your training results without looking at thephone all the time, with as little screen taps as possible. Puretraining log! Both beginners and experienced lifters (inbodybuilding, power lifting or fitness) will benefit from thisworkout journal's simplicity and features which include:★ free choice of workout exercises. You do not need to deal with along list of exercises that you never use in your training. Addexercises that you love and name them in a way that is clear toyou;★ import of popular exercises for a quick start (as well as asample routine);★ saved training routines with pre-defined exerciseselection;★ dynamic training routines, where one can select exercises on thego;★ comments/notes for sets;★ always visible history of sets, reps, weight, comments and resttimes (no need to interrupt your training to view previoushistory);★ detailed workout history with a calendar and stats;★ progress tracking with graphs for 1 rep max;★ deletion of incorrectly logged workout sets;★ rest timer with vibration and an optional sound notification,which is extremely useful if you train with headphones;★ smart automatic rest interval selection;★ option to show best results from each workout only;★ option to show results from the same routine only;★ log of 1RM changes;★ export of all workout history to a CSV file on the SD card; CSVfiles can be opened and processed with most spreadsheeteditors;★ summary of achievements displayed after training (including newrecords, total weight moved, training time,intensity);★ sharing of summary screens (Facebook, email, SMS or any othersharing provider that is installed on your phone);★ resuming of incomplete workouts;★ performing supersets using back/forward navigation andcomments;★ smart pre-entering of weight for the next set;★ add/remove/reorder exercises during training;★ backup and restore of all exercises and training history, you canmove all created exercises and all training history to anotherdevice at any time.Please visit our site for news aboutnew workout tracker features and version releases. Or follow us ontwitter to get the latestupdates.This application uses free icons from (CC 3.0license)
Flexible Interval Timer
Interval timer with flexible interval durations. Reads routinesfrom text files.